What is it?
Early intervention services are a range of targeted services to help young children who have developmental delays or specific health conditions. Different types of specialists work with these children to provide services that help them catch up and increases their chances for success in school and daily living.
Why is early intervention important?
Early intervention helps children meet developmental milestones. It can improve their functional skills and abilities, which are associated to longer term well-being of the child and family. This person-centred approach and family-centred practice ensures that the needs of the child and family are prioritized. Early intervention services can also map clearly onto a life course framework that recognises the long-term nature of the impact of critical periods of transition for the child and family.
Here are some areas in which early intervention can help develop:
Physical skills (reaching, walking, drawing, building)
Cognitive skills (thinking, learning, solving problems)
Communication skills (talking, listening, understanding others)
Self-help or adaptive skills (eating, dressing)
Social or emotional skills (playing, interacting with others)
Sensory processing skills (handling textures, tastes, sounds, smells)
Various types of early intervention for children with special needs
A child who qualifies for an early intervention program may receive one or more of these services:
Screening and assessment
Speech and language therapy: can help with speech, language, eating and drinking skills.
Physical or occupational therapy: can help with fine motor skills, play and self-help skills like dressing and toileting.
Psychological services
Home visits
Hearing (audiology) or vision services
It is thus important to look out for specific aspects of early intervention that can best suit your child and family.
Family centred
This means that the intervention:
includes you and other family members so you can work alongside the professionals and learn how to help your child
is flexible – it can be offered in your home as well as in other settings such as kindergartens and early intervention centres
provides your family with support and guidance.
Developmentally appropriate
This means that the intervention:
is specially designed for children with disability
has staff who are specially trained in the intervention and services they provide
develops an individual plan for your child and reviews the plan regularly
tracks your child’s progress with regular assessments.
Child focused
This means the intervention:
focuses on developing specific skills
includes strategies to help your child learn new skills and use them in different settings
prepares and supports your child for the move to school
finds ways of getting your child with disability together with typically developing children (ideally of the same age).
Supportive and structured
This means the intervention:
provides a supportive learning environment – your child feels comfortable and supported
is highly structured, well organised, regular and predictable.
Key Takeaways
If you have any concerns about your child’s development, the earlier you seek help, the better.
Early intervention to address developmental delays can make a crucial difference in your child’s life.
Some parents postpone getting early intervention services for their children. They may reason that their child is just slower than others and will catch up to their peers soon enough. This is not only wishful thinking, but it can also be detrimental to a child’s potential. Early intervention offers a child the best bet for success in the future, so don’t avoid these services. Welcome them!
Our services
Centre for Child Development and Early Intervention
We work towards helping your child with special needs to gain independence, by carefully tailoring a programme that works with each child’s strengths. This programme includes developing your child’s social, logical, self-regulation, fine and gross motor skills.
Home Intervention Programme
Based on the fundamentals of Applied Behavioural Analysis Therapy, this service provides individual attention to the child, thus bringing about accelerated learning and quicker development of skills. This program attends to a broad range of skills that include behaviour management, cognitive skills and communication skills.
School Shadow Support Programme
This aims top help the child adapt to their school environment as well as develop appropriate social skills and behaviours in school. This programme also helps to build a positive learning environment and boost your child’s independence.
For more information, do visit www.nurturepods.com.
Raising Children Network. (2016). Early intervention for children with disability. [online] Available at: https://raisingchildren.net.au/disability/services-support/services/early-intervention [Accessed 11 Jan. 2019].
Stuart, A. (2013). The Benefits of At-Home Early Intervention Services. [online] Understood.org. Available at: https://www.understood.org/en/learning-attention-issues/treatments-approaches/early-intervention/the-benefits-of-at-home-early-intervention-services [Accessed 11 Jan. 2019].
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