
Will My Child on the Spectrum Lead a Normal Life?

It's important to know that just because your child has an ASD diagnosis doesn't mean they can't meet new people,…

2 years ago

What Is the Goal of ABA Therapy?

ABA therapy can help your child learn to cope and master new skills if they have been diagnosed with Autism…

2 years ago

Could My Child Have Autism?

A child is the greatest gift, and once you have one, all you want to do is protect them. You…

2 years ago

How Can Speech Therapy Help Children with Special Needs?

Autism is a developmental disorder that manifests differently in each child. Autism demands personalized treatment programs to have the best…

2 years ago

Feeding and Mealtime Struggles in Children with Autism

Mealtime can be challenging for families with children, but it can be an adventure for those with children who have…

2 years ago

Does My Child Have Global Developmental Delay (GDD)

Some children move faster than others as they reach developmental milestones. Even siblings can reach milestones at different rates. In…

2 years ago

How to know what therapy is right for your child with ASD?

After receiving an autism diagnosis, choosing the appropriate therapy for your child is one of the first and most crucial…

2 years ago

Toilet Training Children with Autism

It can be challenging to teach your child how to use the toilet correctly. Additionally, developing a toileting routine may…

2 years ago

Is it typical toddler behavior or ADHD?

Everybody has trouble sitting still, paying attention, or controlling impulsive behavior from time to time. However, for some people, the…

2 years ago

How to Communicate to an Adult on the Spectrum?

Autism is a diagnosis that can cover a variety of difficulties with social skills, repetitive activities, speech, and nonverbal communication.…

2 years ago