Diploma in Special Needs

Diploma in Special Needs

learners-count More than 53,000 Learners already enrolled

This Free Online Course Includes:

  • 6-10 Hours of Learning
  • CPD Accreditation
  • Final Assessment

Free Special Needs Training Courses Singapore

Liau Alex

Liau Alex

What You Will Learn In This Free Course

  • Identify the common types of developmental disorders and their characteristics
  • List the various visual aid types and guidelines for making and using them
  • Explain the process of handling a child having a meltdown
  • Describe the process of conducting self-feeding and toilet training programs
  • Define Applied Behavior Analysis
  • Identify various ABA techniques for improving skills in autistic children
  • Discuss the relevance of generalization in ABA theory
  • Distinguish between motor, language, cognitive, and visuospatial skills
  • Describe the role of a shadow support teacher
  • Explain the need for an inclusive education system
  • Identify tools and techniques for intervention during shadow support
  • Describe how best handled to handle bullying cases
Applied Behaviour Analysis

Applied Behaviour Analysis

learners-count More than 47,000 Learners already enrolled

This Free Online Course Includes:

  • 1.5-3 Hours of Learning
  • CPD Accreditation
  • Final Assessment
Liau Alex

Liau Alex

What You Will Learn In This Free Course

  • Explain Applied Behaviour Analysis and its importance in treating Autism
  • Discuss the Antecedent-Behaviour-Consequence model
  • Identify the rules and foundational techniques of ABA
  • Discuss the use of ABA in improving language and motor skills
  • Summarise the Picture Exchange Communications System
  • Explain how ABA can be used in improving cognitive skills
  • Identify various ABA techniques for improving cognitive skills
  • Define visuospatial skills
  • Describe ABA techniques for improving visuospatial skills
  • Discuss how ABA treatment can be generalised
Diploma in Development & Education in Early Childhood

Diploma in Development & Education in Early Childhood

learners-count More than 18,000 Learners already enrolled

This Free Online Course Includes:

  • 6-10 Hours of Learning
  • CPD Accreditation
  • Final Assessment
Liau Alex

Liau Alex

What You Will Learn In This Free Course

  • Analyse the developmental milestones of neurotypical children
  • Describe the typical behaviour and patterns of preschoolers
  • Summarise the development process of children physically and perceptually in early childhood
  • Evaluate the developmental stages of children
  • Discuss how child development is measured
  • Describe the signs of developmental Symmetry
  • Identify artwork engagement with children to explore the understanding of colors
Introduction to Developmental Disorders

Introduction to Developmental Disorders

learners-count More than 10,000 Learners already enrolled

This Free Online Course Includes:

  • 1.5-3 Hours of Learning
  • CPD Accreditation
  • Final Assessment
Liau Alex

Liau Alex

What You Will Learn In This Free Course

  • Define Developmental Disorders and Autism
  • Explain the Autism Spectrum
  • Differentiate between various Developmental Disorders
  • Explain the importance of Visual Aids in caring for Autistic children
  • Outline important guidelines for making effective Visual Aids
  • Explain the relevance of Social Stories
  • Define a Meltdown
  • Distinguish between a Meltdown and a Tantrum
  • Identify various strategies for dealing with a Meltdown
  • Define Functional Life Skills Training
  • Outline the steps in conducting a self-feeding program
  • Describe the process of conducting Toilet Training
  • Describe the steps of energy healing
Special needs school shadow support

Special needs school shadow support

learners-count More than 11,000 Learners already enrolled

This Free Online Course Includes:

  • 1.5-3 Hours of Learning
  • CPD Accreditation
  • Final Assessment
Liau Alex

Liau Alex

What You Will Learn In This Free Course

  • Explain the need for inclusive education systems
  • Discuss the relevance of shadow support
  • Outline the peculiar features of autistic children
  • List the common challenges associated with autism
  • Discuss the educational implications of developmental disorders
  • Explain the triad of impairment
  • Outline the types of visual supports
  • Describe the components of functional assessment
  • Outline the steps for managing a meltdown situation
  • Identify tools commonly used to influence behaviour in shadow support
  • Explain the role of autistic child peers in helping them adjust to the school environment
  • Describe how a bullying situation is best handled
Understanding the Autism Spectrum Disorder

Understanding the Autism Spectrum Disorder

learners-count More than 7000 Learners already enrolled

This Free Online Course Includes:

  • 4-5 Hours of Learning
  • CPD Accreditation
  • Final Assessment
Liau Alex

Liau Alex

What You Will Learn In This Free Course

  • Define ‘autism’ and explain how to identify it
  • Explain how to determine the strengths of a child with ASD
  • Discuss interventions that teachers or parents of children with ASD can implement
  • Describe difficulties an autistic child may have starting conversations
  • Outline how to manage autism meltdowns at home and in public
  • Analyze the developmental milestones of children with and without ASD
  • Recognize the benefits of conducting ‘pretend play’ with autistic children
Global Development Delay

Global Development Delay

learners-count More than 100 Learners already enrolled

This Free Online Course Includes:

  • 1.5-3 Hours of Learning
  • CPD Accreditation
  • Final Assessment
Liau Alex

Liau Alex

What You Will Learn In This Free Course

  • Describe the characteristics of Global Developmental Delay (GDD)
  • Outline the importance of early identification of GDD and interventions to support the affected children
  • Identify cognitive impairments and supporting strategies associated with Global Developmental Delay (GDD
  • Explain the physical challenges children with GDD face, including motor skill delays or coordination issues
  • Discuss effective intervention strategies for promoting the overall quality of life for children with GDD
  • Recognize the key components of emotional development impacted by GDD
  • Identify the impact of comorbid disorders on children with Global Developmental Delay (GDD)
  • Explain the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to help children with GDD
  • Describe the key assessment domains in Global Developmental Delay to comprehensively understand a child’s development
  • Analyze how tailored assessments and interdisciplinary approaches in GDD can guide individualized interventions
  • Outline the key strategies for creating a nurturing environment to support children with Global Developmental Delay
  • Recognize the importance of collaboration among parents, educators, and professionals for interventions
Understanding Dyscalculia

Understanding Dyscalculia

learners-count More than 90 Learners already enrolled

This Free Online Course Includes:

  • 3-4 Hours of Learning
  • CPD Accreditation
  • Final Assessment
Liau Alex

Liau Alex

What You Will Learn In This Free Course

  • Identify early signs of dyscalculia by understanding the development patterns
  • Outline the symptoms and developmental patterns of dyscalculia across different age groups
  • Describe the benefits of technology and digital tools for children with dyscalculia
  • Discuss the potential benefits of evidence-based teaching methods
  • Summarize how to create an inclusive learning environment for learners with dyscalculia
  • Analyze the demographics of children and youth with dyscalculia