Centre for Child
The Centre provides both individualised and group based early interventions for children with special needs. Using TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and Communication related Children) technique, an evident-based approach developed by The University of North Carolina, the centre aims to uncover each child’s strength and work towards achieving daily-skills, academic and social successes.
With a small teacher to children ratio, the centre also provides transition/ school readiness programme in which we aim to prepare the child for transition from SPED to mainstream schools. Our staff are also trained to use techniques employed in Handwriting Without Tears, an effective programme to help children with special needs to develop good handwriting skills.
At Nurture Pods, our staff go through regular trainings and supervisions to ensure quality of interventions administered. Our goal is to help every child develop into an individual with all-rounded abilities, who is able to live independently and have a good quality of life.
Our Curricula Includes

Jolly Phonics
A synthetic phonics program which has five main components which are learning the letter sounds, learning letter formation, blending for reading, identifying the sounds in words for writing, and tricky words.

A distinctive multi-sensory approach to children’s mathematical learning that emphasizes three key aspects: communicating mathematically, exploring relationships, and generalizing.

Structured Teaching (TEACCH)
TEACCH programme is an evidence-based practice based at the University of North Carolina. It is based on the unique learning needs of children with autism.

Activity-Based Intervention (ABI)
ABI is an approach for working with young children that aims to develop functional skills by embedding the goals into their routines and activities. Multiple learning opportunities are provided throughout.

1 to 1 ABA
ABA is a research-based strategy which utilises well-established principles of learning to improve behaviour. Strategies that are commonly used in the centre include discrete trial training and reward system.

Speech Therapy
Our speech therapist is certified by the Allied Health Professions Council (APHC).