Yong Hao attended the TEACCH (Structured teaching) training held at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA). The course focus on using TEACCH principles to educate children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) skills in the areas of academics (literacy and numeracy), communication, independence, social, leisure, relaxation and coping strategies as well as behavior management. It provided a theoretical foundation as well as practical work that Yong Hao had to assess and teach children with ASD in a classroom setting. Participants in the course was educated on the different learning styles of students with ASD and the development of individualized structures at home and school setting.
Trainings were conducted by the Directors as well as Autism Specialists in the TEACCH division, who shared their experiences and expertise in working with Children with Special Needs.
There were group activities where assessments results, characteristics of the children, activities for the children, curriculum and planning were discussed