Clinical Director, Alex Liau is the first Singaporean and personnel in the Asia Pacific region to be trained in the introduction and advanced course of the SCERTS program. He received training by Emily Rubin, MS, CCC-SLP, who is the co-author of the SCERTS Assessment Process. His training was held at Kettering, United Kingdom.
He is trained in:
1) Using the SCERTS framework guide priorities for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
2) Application & Assessment: Using the SCERTS framework to design programming in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Alex is now equipped in implementing the SCERTS model, a comprehensive, multidisciplinary educational approach designed for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). This model is not exclusive of other treatment approaches and methodologies, but rather provides a framework for those who are seeking guidelines for implementing a comprehensive educational plan that is based on our knowledge of the core developmental challenges faced by children with ASD, family-centered care, and our knowledge of the recommended tenets of educational programming. The model was designed to provide guidelines for helping children progress through the stages of becoming a competent social communicator. It was also designed to provide families and educational teams with the help they may need to feel successful in supporting the child. He will teach parents how to determine meaningful, purposeful, and motivating goals and strategies based on a child’s developmental stage, functional needs, and family priorities.
In addition, Alex can also help para-professionals and parents apply the SCERTS scope and sequence of goals in program development, namely writing goals and determining supports (i.e., educational planning). The formal assessment will be introduced as a mechanism to determine a child’s stage of language acquisition, establish a profile of strengths and areas of need in those areas most impacted by the core challenges of ASD and monitor progress over time.
Clinical Director, Alex Liau attending SCERTS workshop conducted by Emily Rubin, MS, CCC-SLP at Kettering Conference Centre (United Kingdom)