“On the 7th and 8th of September 2017, Nurture Pods Social Skills consultant, Michelle Poh attended a Social Thinking workshop conducted by Michelle Garcia and Dr Pamela Crooke.”
Michelle Poh is trained to use the newly developed Cascade of Social Attention Checklist. The Checklist is a tool to help evaluate an individual’s social interpretive systems to better understand where to begin in the process of teaching how to think socially and ultimately produce related social skills. The Cascade also helps to explain why many of our students/clients/children have challenges with academic tasks such as reading comprehension and written expression.
Reality-based perspective taking:
For some literal-minded individuals who show challenges in social self-awareness and observational skills, we often see a struggle to distinguish what is real versus what they hope or wish would be real. We will learn and practice activities to encourage more reality-based perspective taking.To use simple technology and popsicle sticks to teach abstract ideas in very concrete ways. When trying to relate with others, many of our students/clients/children have a weak sense of physical presence and facial expressions.An array of activities to encourage social conversational skills within a group to balance participation between your more talkative and less talkative individuals.Examples of goals and rubrics for the activities taught throughout the day.
Michelle Poh is also trained in: how to use ‘You are a Social Detective’ and ‘Superflex’ have been used in the mainstream classroom to help teach literature, writing, conflict resolution and working as part of a group.How we adapt our teachings for kindergartners, young elementary school students, older elementary school students, and how the core lessons transfer into middle school and high school.How to encourage children to become social detectives to figure out the hidden rules.Creative ideas to help students learn self-awareness, self-monitoring and self-control through the teachings of Superflex’s Five-Point Power Plan.How these lessons are used as part of Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and Response to Intervention (RTI) How to foster your own super-flexible creativity when teaching these lessons to your own children or students.