Nurture Pods @ Thomson Road

What is
Nurture Pods
Nurture Pods is an intervention centre that works with children with special needs from the age of 3 to 12 years. Our focus is on providing individualized intervention programs catering to different needs of the children at home and in school. The objectives of Nurture Pods is to utilize evidence based best practices to provide special needs children with holistic, comprehensive and effective intervention programs so that they can achieve development to their best ability.
Our Mission
Committed to growing your child’s potential
Nurture Pods believes that every child has a fundamental right to education, and must be given the opportunity to achieve and maintain an acceptable level of learning.
Every child has his or her own unique potential and pledge to equip these children with the necessary tools they would need to achieve their fullest potential.
At Nurture Pods, we understand that parents might want to get directly involved in their child’s therapy sessions
As such, you can count on us to provide sessions that would allow you to participate in your child’s learning journey, establishes decentralized and participatory mechanisms for the child, child’s school and parents.
We believe the involvement and communication between the centre, the child and parents is the key to achieving success for the child in mainstream society.
Our Credentials

Nurture Pods is an Approved Institution (AI) is registered with Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) under the Baby Bonus Scheme. Parents are able to use the Child Development Account (CDA) to pay for the services by Nurture Pods.
Our Logo
The three rings from left to right, represents the Centre, the Parents and the Child. The lower front tail marks the beginning of a learning journey and the upper back tail marks the child’s independence, broken from the bonds which nature bestowed upon him.
The white symbolises a renewal, whereby the child is well-equipped to start facing future challenges on his own. The white is present in all three rings of the logo to signify the integration of the child into mainstream society can only be made possible together with the support of the parents and the centre.
Green symbolises growth and continuity. Just like peas in a peapod, children needs to be continuously nurtured and showered with love, care and attention. From the time your child first join us, there will be progress and development in your child. This is represented by the overall ascending position of the logo.
Finally, the three green overlapping rings symbolises the commitment and cooperation between the centre, the parents and the child to eventually present the child the gift to live better in the community.

Our Mascot
To compliment the name of the centre, we created our very own cartoon to further distinguish ourselves.
Our mascot shows the faces of three children wrapped in the comfort of a peapod. The three faces are of different age, gender and nationalities, which accurately depicts the profiles of children enrolled in our centre.
The colourful mascot portrays the curious, cheerful and unassuming behaviour of children which never fail to invoke the interest of parents and children alike.