Meet the Specialists

Jing Yi

Jing Yi graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Occupational Therapy from Chung Shan Medical University in Taiwan. She has a deep passion for working with children with special needs and derives a profound sense of accomplishment from witnessing their progress, no matter how small the improvement may be.

With five years of experience as an occupational therapist at a private therapy center, Jing Yi has worked with children across a wide range of special needs, including ADHD, autism, Down syndrome, global developmental delay, and others, aged 0 to 18.

She specializes in the DIR/Floortime approach, believing it to be the essential foundation for building higher-level functions. Jing Yi firmly believes that without a strong foundation, any task will require double the effort for half the result. As such, during therapy, she focuses on addressing the DIR/Floortime stages first, particularly when working with children who are at lower developmental levels.